

true:遇到陌生字段,就进行dynamic mapping false:遇到陌生字段,就忽略 strict:遇到陌生字段,就报错
PUT /my_index { "mappings":{ "my_type":{ "dynamic":"strict", "properties":{ "title":{ "type":"text" }, "address":{ "type":"object", "dynamic":"true" } } } } }
PUT /my_index/my_type/1 { "title": "my article", "content": "this is my article", "address": { "province": "guangdong", "city": "guangzhou" } }
{ "error": { "root_cause": [ { "type": "strict_dynamic_mapping_exception", "reason": "mapping set to strict, dynamic introduction of [content] within [my_type] is not allowed" } ], "type": "strict_dynamic_mapping_exception", "reason": "mapping set to strict, dynamic introduction of [content] within [my_type] is not allowed" }, "status": 400 }
PUT /my_index/my_type/1 { "title": "my article", "address": { "province": "guangdong", "city": "guangzhou" } }
GET /my_index/_mapping/my_type { "my_index":{ "mappings":{ "my_type":{ "dynamic":"strict", "properties":{ "address":{ "dynamic":"true", "properties":{ "city":{ "type":"text", "fields":{ "keyword":{ "type":"keyword", "ignore_above":256 } } }, "province":{ "type":"text", "fields":{ "keyword":{ "type":"keyword", "ignore_above":256 } } } } }, "title":{ "type":"text" } } } } } }

定制dynamic mapping策略


默认会按照一定格式识别date,比如yyyy-MM-dd。但是如果某个field先过来一个2017-01-01的值,就会被自动dynamic mapping成date,后面如果再来一个"hello world"之类的值,就会报错。可以手动关闭某个type的date_detection,如果有需要,自己手动指定某个field为date类型。
PUT /my_index/_mapping/my_type { "date_detection": false }

定制自己的dynamic mapping template(type level)

PUT /my_index { "mappings":{ "my_type":{ "dynamic_templates":[ { "en":{ "match":"*_en", "match_mapping_type":"string", "mapping":{ "type":"string", "analyzer":"english" } } } ] } } }
PUT /my_index/my_type/1 { "title": "this is my first article" }
PUT /my_index/my_type/2 { "title_en": "this is my first article" }
title没有匹配到任何的dynamic模板,默认就是standard分词器,不会过滤停用词,is会进入倒排索引,用is来搜索是可以搜索到的 title_en匹配到了dynamic模板,就是english分词器,会过滤停用词,is这种停用词就会被过滤掉,用is来搜索就搜索不到了

定制自己的default mapping template(index level)

PUT /my_index { "mappings":{ "default":{ "_all":{ "enabled":false } }, "blog":{ "_all":{ "enabled":true } } } }