该类自 JDK 8 加入,是为了进一步优化读性能,它的特点是在使用读锁、写锁时都必须配合【戳】使用加解读锁
long stamp = lock.readLock(); lock.unlockRead(stamp);
long stamp = lock.writeLock(); lock.unlockWrite(stamp);
乐观读,StampedLock 支持
方法(乐观读),读取完毕后需要做一次 戳校验 如果校验通过,表示这期间确实没有写操作,数据可以安全使用,如果校验没通过,需要重新获取读锁,保证数据安全。long stamp = lock.tryOptimisticRead(); // 验戳 if(!lock.validate(stamp)){ // 锁升级 }
提供一个 数据容器类 内部分别使用读锁保护数据的
方法,写锁保护数据的 write()
方法@Slf4j(topic = "c.DataContainerStamped") class DataContainerStamped { private int data; private final StampedLock lock = new StampedLock(); public DataContainerStamped(int data) { this.data = data; } public int read(int readTime) { long stamp = lock.tryOptimisticRead(); log.debug("optimistic read locking...{}", stamp); sleep(readTime); if (lock.validate(stamp)) { log.debug("read finish...{}, data:{}", stamp, data); return data; } // 锁升级 - 读锁 log.debug("updating to read lock... {}", stamp); try { stamp = lock.readLock(); log.debug("read lock {}", stamp); sleep(readTime); log.debug("read finish...{}, data:{}", stamp, data); return data; } finally { log.debug("read unlock {}", stamp); lock.unlockRead(stamp); } } public void write(int newData) { long stamp = lock.writeLock(); log.debug("write lock {}", stamp); try { sleep(2); this.data = newData; } finally { log.debug("write unlock {}", stamp); lock.unlockWrite(stamp); } } }
测试 读-读 可以优化
@Slf4j(topic = "c.TestStampedLock") public class TestStampedLock { public static void main(String[] args) { DataContainerStamped dataContainer = new DataContainerStamped(1); new Thread(() -> { dataContainer.read(1); }, "t1").start(); sleep(0.5); new Thread(() -> { dataContainer.read(0); }, "t2").start(); } }
12:48:27.518 c.DataContainerStamped [t1] - optimistic read locking...256 12:48:28.018 c.DataContainerStamped [t2] - optimistic read locking...256 12:48:28.018 c.DataContainerStamped [t2] - read finish...256, data:1 12:48:28.536 c.DataContainerStamped [t1] - read finish...256, data:1
测试 读-写 时优化读补加读锁
@Slf4j(topic = "c.TestStampedLock") public class TestStampedLock { public static void main(String[] args) { DataContainerStamped dataContainer = new DataContainerStamped(1); new Thread(() -> { dataContainer.read(1); }, "t1").start(); sleep(0.5); new Thread(() -> { dataContainer.write(100); }, "t2").start(); } }
15:57:00.219 c.DataContainerStamped [t1] - optimistic read locking...256 15:57:00.717 c.DataContainerStamped [t2] - write lock 384 15:57:01.225 c.DataContainerStamped [t1] - updating to read lock... 256 15:57:02.719 c.DataContainerStamped [t2] - write unlock 384 15:57:02.719 c.DataContainerStamped [t1] - read lock 513 15:57:03.719 c.DataContainerStamped [t1] - read finish...513, data:1000 15:57:03.719 c.DataContainerStamped [t1] - read unlock 513